CPT response to the TfL Consultation: Changes to Low Emission Zone and expansion of the Ultra Low Emission Zone

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CPT is the national trade association for the bus and coach sector in the UK and represents around 1000 bus and coach operators, many of whom provide services in or to London; we have around 400 members in our London and South East Region. CPT recognises that London and a number of other cities and towns around the UK have an air quality problem and shares the ambition of the Mayor, TfL and other authorities to improve air quality.

We welcome and support the view held by Government, TfL and the Mayor that buses and coaches are part of the solution to improving air quality. However, we also recognise that the bus and coach industry needs to play its part. Our coach and bus operating members are willing to make improvements to their fleets that will bring about reductions in emissions. However, the coach sector faces a particular challenge in making changes to its fleet in time to comply with the existing plans for the ULEZ and the proposals for the London LEZ that are outlined in the Mayor’s consultation documents. Our response will focus on this challenge and the potential implications for some of our members’ businesses, jobs, coach tourism, social inclusion and educational transport. […]

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