The Chartered Institution of Highways & Transportation (CIHT) last week released its guidance on ‘Buses in Urban Developments’. Peter Jackson takes a look at what this guidance might mean for the future of urban public transport.
In today’s world, urban planning is an essential exercise. With only so much space to build on, every square inch of redeveloped land needs to be carefully thought through, each road carefully constructed and every housing development meticulously laid-out. It’s serious business: building in the wrong area or overlooking existing developments could have serious implications for the local economy.
As it happens, few things rely on urban planning more than buses. In the words of Andreas Markides, President at the Chartered Institution of Highways & Transportation (CIHT): “Buses play a vital part in providing accessibility for everyone and, through their efficient use of space, in supporting the viability of high quality urban places. For buses to play their full role, however, urban developments must be designed specifically to encourage their use. This involves bringing together the planning of land uses, the access routes to bus stops, and the bus infrastructure.
“CIHT firmly believes that buses have a significant role to play in providing sustainable connectivity and we hope this document will help to promote that role within the transport system and in the creation of high quality urban and rural environments.”[…]
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