Devon General 100

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Stagecoach South West has preserved one of Devon General’s early Metro-Cammell Leyland Atlanteans. ANDY IZATT

A hundred years of West Country operator Devon General are being celebrated with a series of events, from the recreation of the original route to a depot open day.

Stagecoach South West is painting a bus in traditional Devon General livery, the final details of which will be announced shortly. [wlm_nonmember][…]

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On 18 July there will be a recreation 100 years to the day of one of the two original Devon General routes, from Exeter to Torquay via Teignmouth and Newton Abbot. Coaches and buses old and new will participate.

The major event is a rally and running day at Newton Abbot racecourse on Sunday 4 August, when organisers, the Devon General Society hopes many buses new to the operator and other local operators will attend.

As well as a staff reunion, it’s also hoped to make recordings of the reminiscences of former Devon General employees.
Stagecoach is holding an open day at its Exeter depot on 6 October, when vehicles of all ages will be on display.

The Devon General Omnibus and Touring Company began operations in 1919 and in 1922 was bought by the National Electric and Touring Company, which was merged into British Electric Traction in 1931. Rapid expansion, including the purchase of local operator Grey Cars saw Devon General become the dominant operator in South Devon. As well as local bus services, it developed a major tours business.

For many years a staunch AEC supporter, Devon General surprised many by buying a substantial number of early Leyland Atlanteans, including convertible open-top examples. The firm became part of the National Bus Company in 1969 and after deregulation was acquired by industry entrepreneur and minibus advocator Harry Blundred. Stagecoach took it over in 1996.

Devon General Society Secretary Paul Jenkins said: “Devon General is a much loved company far beyond its home area, and we are aiming to ensure that the 100th anniversary is celebrated in a major way.”
