Durham coach facilities cuts

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It has now been confirmed that one of the victims of ‘the cuts’ will be the Tourist Information Centre (TIC) within the Gala complex in Durham City, according to the CPT’s Northern Region.

Little attention has been given to the fact that the TIC staff are also responsible for the ‘meet and greet’ service which is part of the currently excellent provision for coach operators.

Parking is free at The Sands coach park and drivers receive a free meal at the Indoor Market Cafe Cenno. Responding to CPT pressure, the coach park is now signed for pedestrians from the Gala entrance.

CPT Northern regional manager David Holding said: “What worries me is a view at a senior level that coaches do not bring useful income to the city and marketing to the group travel sector is dispensable. We know this view is not correct and I am working to get the coach message across to Visit County Durham, who have the responsibility for marketing.