Daimler has delivered new emission-free Mercedes-Benz eCitaros to two operators. Zugerland Verkehrsbetriebe (ZVB) and Bus Ostschweiz (BOS) have both placed the new models in service, which feature a claimed range of 150km even under harsh operating conditions, thanks to 10 battery modules which provide a total of 243kWh. The buses, which will serve the Canton of Zug and the St Gallen Rhine Valley region, are fitted with 15 double USB ports and three-screen passenger information systems, whilst for drivers there is an exterior camera for keeping an eye on cyclists and pedestrians. Interior surveillance cameras and a door-closing warning system with red LED light strip and video surveillance are fitted for added safety and security.
Frank Scherhag, CEO at EvoBus (Schweiz) AG, handed over special photo-cakes of the first eCitaro buses to Company Directors Cyrill Weber from ZVB and Roland Ochsner from BOS. Mr Scherhag said: “We’re proud to enjoy a long-standing and trusting partnership with both companies and to be able to accompany them on the road towards electromobility.”
“Electromobility is a technology with a future,” explained Cyrill Weber, Company Director at ZVB. “ZVB will continue to develop its electromobility step-by-step as is commercially and financially possible.”
Roland Ochsner, Company Director at BOS continued: “There is a long history of electromobility at Bus Ostschweiz AG. More than 120 years ago already, we operated the first tramways. Now we’re really pleased to take on the ‘new’ electric future together with ZVB.”