Epsom £2.4m new bus order Epsom Coaches Group has placed bus orders worth over £2.4m to service TfL bus routes X26 and 465 run by the firm’s Quality Line operation, starting in April and July 2012 respectively.
Ten Mercedes Benz Citaros have been specified to operate route X26, an express link between Croydon and London Heathrow. The vehicles will be fitted with luggage racking and their spacious interiors will be of the highest quality, as to be expected from a premium manufacturer.
Route 465, which links Kingston with Dorking will see the introduction of five new Optare Versa dual-door buses, similar to those already operated on Quality Line’s TfL route 411.
The investment in new buses will also see 50 new jobs created in the Epsom area.
Commercial director Steve Whiteway commented: “We are delighted to be investing in these new vehicles which will bring our fleet up to over 110 buses and coaches. We intend to ensure the highest quality of service to our customers and these new buses will help us to continue that aspiration as well as being very environmentally friendly.”