Eurolines champions coach initiative

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Eurolines is calling for policymakers to recognise the role and contribution of coaches to safe, environmentally friendly and affordable travel.

John Gilbert, president of the Eurolines Organisation, said: “The coach plays a vital, but largely unrecognised role in keeping Europe moving. Passengers choose the coach because it’s an affordable, convenient way to travel crossborder but there’s a lot which public authorities could to make the passenger experience better.

“Empowering travellers to make intermodal journeys is a key objective for the EC, but coaches are denied access to a number of key terminals across Europe.”

Eurolines highlighted the trend towards increased border checks for international coach services, even within Schengen, resulting in cumbersome delays for passengers and acting as a deterrent for choosing the coach.

Eurolines has also announced plans to launch a series of awards in 2012 for the best equipped terminals and the most improved stations to help raise awareness of the role of coach travel.