Suffolk operator Galloways has given notice that it intends to withdraw from contracts to provide services on routes around Ipswich, the Diss Express has reported. The firm intends to withdraw from contracts for routes 112, 113, 114, 115 and 116, which serve Diss, Eye, Mendelsham and Debenham, from 18 October.

Galloways said that whilst the contracts were due for re-negociation in 2020, this was done to bring matters forward, but confirmed that it would bid during any re-tendering process.
A spokesperson for the country council, which is undertaking a review of rural bus services, said: “These routes will be tendered out shortly and, while there may be some changes, we intend to stay as close to existing routes as possible. Most passengers will not be impacted, as any new tender will start the day after the current one ends. This is a good opportunity to try to integrate some of the other bus services which are currently under review.”