GERMANY Giti Tire has restructured its German truck and bus tyre sales operation and made several key appointments as it looks to strengthen the strong countrywide position of GT Radial.
The move, which came into effect on May 1, 2013, is designed to achieve a 10% market share by 2015, increase the professionalism and knowledge base of the staff, realise the company’s value approach through direct interaction with customers and improve overall service delivery.
Andreas Fischer joins Giti Tire as Area Sales Manager (South East), Frank Richter as Area Sales Manager (Central), Henry Boehlke as Area Sales Manager (North East), Markus Koebbe as Area Sales Manager (North West) and Frank Wirz as Area Sales Manager South- West and Switzerland.
In addition, Michael Prause has been appointed as Customer Service Manager and both Richard Lyons, Managing Director – Europe, and Peter Foulkes, Marketing Director Europe – Commercial Tires, will be based in Germany.
Richard Lyons said: “While the truck and bus operation has performed well in recent years there have been key senior staff appointments in the German office and it was felt the sales force needed to be more closely aligned to its vision for the business.
“To achieve this goal, and most importantly a 10% market share by 2015 for GT Radial through a direct sales operation, we have secured a hugely experienced, professional team which will make a significant contribution in what is still a very tough economic climate.”
For more information on Giti Tire’s products and services, visit www.giti.com.