and visual guide to
First Use Checks has
boosted compliance
First use checks, the daily walk around and examination process required of all PCV drivers, are a very important requirement and yet many drivers fail to interpret the significance of being diligent in this area.
HCT Group, which employs driving staff from across a wide spectrum of the population, said it had found the wording of guidance on daily checks to be confusing to many of its staff and so it has created a booklet written in easy to understand language complete with photographs which give a clear visual indication of what is required. Since its adoption, the rate of compliance has increased substantially.
Communications Director Frank Villeneuve-Smith said: “Daily checks were not always easy to understand, particularly for some drivers who’s first language might not be English who struggled with the interpretation. We produced this ‘First Use Checks’ manual with a picture for every check and it really gets the message over. Compliance with the requirements has seen a terrific boost.
“We feel this is a very important development and we consider safety is too important not to share – so we are offering the manual free to other operators who would like it. It is available under licence – so all they need to do is email us at [email protected] and we will send them a PDF file on which they can place their own logo on and then print as many as they require.
“Simplifying the procedures to this level has allowed managers to have proper conversations over First Use Checks with staff who now fully appreciate what they are required to do.