‘Italian Job’ coach for hire

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A Bedford VAL paying tribute to surely the most famous coach in cinema history and restored with parts from the original vehicle is available for private hire.

Film ‘The Italian Job’ is celebrating its half century this year. Starring Michael Caine, Noel Coward and Benny Hill, the movie tells the tale of a daring gold heist in Turin using three Minis escaping through a sewer pipe. The cars are driven onto a moving Bedford coach via ramps and through open rear doors, but the driver later loses control and it’s left teetering over a cliff as the credits roll.

Italian Job
Now available for hire, a Bedford VAL that pays homage to the film, The Italian Job

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[/wlm_nonmember] [wlm_ismember] The original coach, ALR453B had Harrington Legionnaire bodywork and was new to Battens Coaches of London. Sadly, it had deteriorated to scrap condition by the 1990s, but the rear axle, some outriggers and registration number were saved and are now on the tribute Bedford VAL, which is Duple-bodied and owned by classic car specials builder and restorer Anthony Barrett. It is said to have carried the registration RCA501B, but any information on the vehicle’s history would be welcome.

Now the Italian Bus Hire Company has been set up to market the Bedford, which is also used for charity events.

David Salamone, who appeared as Dominic in the film, drove the red Mini and supplied the original Bedford VAL, has signed the ceiling of the Bedford! This was organised by Senior Engineer at Jaguar Land Rover, Adam Crowton, a lifelong fanatic of the film.

“This has been a major restoration,” said Adam. “Sadly the original coach just couldn’t be saved. We think this will be of great interest to operators or event organisers. We can carry up to eight people, and three Minis!”

Further details via italianjobbushirecompany.co.uk or by phoning 07860 452200.