LetsJoin director to join team on 2,200km charity motorbike marathon in Vietnam

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Sam Glover, Director of LetsJoin, is taking part in a 2,200km motorcycle ride through Cambodia in aid of Mines Advisory Group (MAG).

Two years ago, Sam travelled to Cambodia with some friends on a similar trip, in aid of Great Ormond Street Hospital. The quartet rode their motorcycles through deserts, jungles and mountainous terrain.

Sam explained: “We were horrified to find an unexploded rocket propelled grenade on a track between two villages. I was amazed to learn how serious a problem unexploded ordinance and specifically land mines (UXO) are in South East Asia. A very serious problem for the 80% of the population that live off the land and their land is saturated with UXO.

“It’s hard to believe that 42 years after the American War, Vietnam is still one of the most UXO contaminated countries in the world. In fact, every one of the communes in the central provinces of Quang Binh and Quang Tri are reported to be contaminated.

“So, my pals and I decided to do something to help.

“The same that rode Cambodia are heading to Vietnam and dragging our motorbikes through 2,200km of incredibly challenging terrain to visit the most UXO ridden parts of Vietnam and the Laos border to see the good work that MAG is doing to clear the land of UXO.

“We are paying all our own costs, so all the money we raise will go to MAG.”

The UK Government has pledged to match any donation received by the group, and those interested in making a donation should visit https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/vietnamnorthernloop

Sam also said the group will be producing a film about the trip, as they did for their trip across Cambodia. That film can be viewed at https://youtu.be/l_R9AJxnLpQ.