London coach facilities could move from Victoria

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Victoria Coach facilities for possible relocation
The coach terminal is used by 14m passengers annually

A proposal to move the facilities at Victoria Coach Station elsewhere is being considered as part of redevelopment work in the surrounding Belgravia area.

According to the London Evening Standard, there are concerns that the coach terminal, which is used by 14 million passengers a year, is no longer viable due to the delays often suffered by passengers as coaches attempt to reach the station’s central location.

Options which are reportedly being considered are a site owned by Transport for London (TfL) at Royal Oak near Paddington Station, or even several smaller stations scattered around London. Should the move take place, it would free up 3.3 acres of land with an estimated value of £150m, though the Grade II listed building could not be demolished.

A TfL spokesman said: “We know that we need to adapt operations at Victoria Coach Station as the area is likely to change.

“No decisions have been made on a location and we are looking at a wide range of options across London that ensure the city is adequately served by coaches, while allowing them to operate more efficiently and reduce both pollution and road danger.”

Westminster’s Cabinet Member for Environment and City Management, Cllr Tim Mitchell, commented: “We have set out our concerns that we are not convinced that Royal Oak or central London is the right place.”