Midlands attractions re-opening

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Two of the top heritage transport venues in the Midlands have announced reopening dates.

Crich Tramway Village, home to the National Tramway Museum, plans to re-open its outside areas from Monday 12 April until Sunday 16 May, subject to Covid-19 guidelines. The Derbyshire attraction will be open Saturdays through to Thursdays from 1000 to 1630hrs (last admissions 1500hrs) under the Government guidance for Step 2.

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Outside areas including the outdoor playground and woodland walk will be accessible and there will be limited trams running. General Manager Dr Mike Galer said the museum was delighted to welcome visitors again: “The same Covid-19 measures will be in place as we operated last season, including social distancing, hand sanitising, PPE for staff, screens at information points and tills and take-away catering service, with some outside seating.”

A downloadable leaflet detailing the rules is available from the museum’s website.

Transport Museum Wythall will commence its 2021 operations on Saturday 22 May, adding Sunday opening from 25 July and Wednesday opening from 28 July. Spring Bank Holiday will also see the museum open on the 30/31 May with visiting buses and sales stands.

Dave Taylor, Transport Museum Wythall Chairman, said: “At last we can ‘start our engines’ once again and get back to near normality, welcoming both staunch supporters and new faces looking for fresh air and freedom in an enjoyable day out with the family once again. The whole team is ready to go with several new vehicles joining our running fleet over the ensuing weeks.”

A ‘Bus Boot Fair’ is also planned for May, on a date yet to be announced.