NCT Trojan bus quashes vandalism

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Nottingham City Transport’s (NCT) ‘Trojan bus’ has cut bus vandalism by 42% since its launch in 2008.

The bus, which appears to be an ordinary service, is equipped with toughened glass windows, and carries plain clothes police officers who can quickly catch offenders attempting to vandalise the bus.

Anthony Carver-Smith of NCT explained: “The safety of our passengers and drivers is of paramount importance to us, so it was clear we had to do something to try and deter the vandals. Since we started running the Trojan bus in partnership with Notts Police, Community Protection and the Respect for Transport campaign, we’ve seen a major reduction in acts of vandalism. At 51 incidents to date, compared to 148 in 2008, this year’s figure is on target to become the lowest yet.”

Carver-Smith understands the bus had been such a success because it was well publicised with visits to schools, conveying the message to young people that they could be caught at any time.

Temporary Sergeant Mike Collett, of Community Protection, said: “Officers are committed to working with Nottingham City Transport and are keen to increase the number of operations we conduct. I would hope we continue to see a decrease in vandalism.”

The Trojan bus is set to continue operations into the autumn.