New bus users body in Scotland

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A new, independent body is being established in Scotland which aims to drive up standards in bus travel and put the needs of bus passengers at the heart of transport policy.

Bus Users Scotland will work with partners across Scotland including the Scottish Government, local transport authorities and bus operators to support bus passengers and improve bus services.

Initially, Bus Users Scotland will establish a head office in Edinburgh with Bus Compliance officers in various regions of the country and a network of part-time, locally-based Bus User representatives.

Its focus is on four key areas: Compliance monitoring, to assess whether bus services are delivering against the terms of their registration; Complaints management, to ensure complaints are handled efficiently and cost-effectively; Good practice development, cooperating with bus operators, acting on complaints and sharing best practice; and Advocacy, working with government, local authorities, special interest groups, Transport Scotland and operators to ensure the views and interests of passengers are fully represented. Bus Users Scotland will be part of the Bus User family which has a successful presence in England and Wales. Scottish Transport Minister Keith Brown said: “The Scottish Government is committed to getting as many people as possible to use public transport and Bus Users Scotland will make an important contribution to that goal.”