New vehicle market holds firm

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The market for brand new heavy buses and coaches has held firm, while other sectors have become subdued – according to the latest data released by the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders (SMMT).

In September, 338 heavy buses and coaches were registered – the same as in 2010.

However, other sectors were less stable. Bus registrations fell 31% in September and by 24.6% for the rolling year. Coach volumes were down 48.5% in the month and 17.2% for the rolling year. Overall bus and coach volumes were down 33.1% in September and down 23.7% for the rolling year.

“Heavy buses and coaches held firm for the month and year-todate, but total bus and coach fell 33% as confidence remains weak,” said Paul Everitt, SMMT CEO.

You can find a table giving more details on coach and bus sales in CBW1008.