Passenger in Ayrshire used Stagecoach bus 334 times in just 28 days

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Stagecoach West Scotland HQ recently calculated that a passenger had travelled around 70 miles a day across North, South and East Ayrshire. On one day the passenger even travelled by bus 20 times.

Stagecoach uncovered that each trip would have cost the passenger just 28p. [wlm_nonmember][…]

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Irvine Times reported that a Stagecoach spokesperson said: “All of this travelling would have cost approximately 28p per bus trip over seven days (based on 107 trips being made over the course of seven days) using our Ayrshire Megarider weekly ticket!

“Our customer travelled 334 times over 28 days covering approximately 70 bus miles per day, travelling between Dundonald, Catrine, Ayr, Irvine, Troon and Kilmarnock between the hours of 0600 and 1900hrs on 30 individual bus services in August and September 2018. On one day alone this savvy customer used the bus 20 times!”
