Thanks to Ayrshire independent Shuttle Buses, Jonathan Welch puts Alexander Dennis’ new Enviro100EV through its paces
It’s not that long ago that electric buses were seen as a new toy, something that was interesting but that would probably go wrong or fall out of favour. They were the oddball in the corner of the garage, that took up a disproportionate amount of time and effort when all those diesels just went out and worked. In the first month of this year, I’ve driven three buses for CBW road tests. All of them were electric. It’s a sign of how far we’ve come in less than a decade.
My latest drive was one I’d been looking forward to for a while; the Alexander Dennis Enviro100EV. First announced back in 2022 and unveiled to the press at a special event on 1 November 2023 at Farnborough, the bus is chronologically the second of Alexander Dennis’ latest generation range of electric buses. It joins the already-in-service Enviro400EV, a model which replaced the previous BYD-ADL version by the same name, and the yet to be released Enviro200EV, which will complete the line-up.
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