South-West coach company supports flagship fundraiser

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A convoy of coaches from Bakers Dolphin ensured comfortable support for fleet-footed walkers taking part in a charity’s flagship fundraising event of the year.

The South West-based coach operator provided eight vehicles to support Weston Hospicecare’s Mendip Challenge, which is now in its 31st year.

Hundreds of people trekked across the Mendips, covering a variety of different distances depending upon their own abilities, to support the charity, which provides palliative care for people living with life-limiting illnesses in and around Weston-super-Mare. The challenge raises tens of thousands of pounds every year, but was cancelled in 2020 due to Covid-19, and took place last year in a slightly limited format, due to restrictions.

Bakers Dolphin transported those taking on the longer 20- and 30-mile challenges to their starting points in Wells and Cheddar, for them to then return on foot to Weston-super-Mare.

Bakers Dolphin Sales and Marketing Director, Amanda Harrington, said: “We’re proud and privileged to support such a worthy cause, which makes a positive difference to lives of so many people in and around the town where we have our headquarters.

“There’s always a great atmosphere on board the coaches, with growing anticipation among the walkers about the challenge that lies ahead of them, and it was heart-warming to see the event take place with no restrictions this year. We feel honoured to be associated with Weston Hospicecare’s Mendip Challenge.”

Bakers Dolphin provided eight coaches for the event. BAKERS DOLPHIN