Swans scores with GreenRoad

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Swans Travel has adopted GreenRoad across its fleet of coaches, MPVs and chauffeur cars. The Chadderton-based firm says it has already halved its idling and cut fuel consumption by 5%. It expects to save £100,000 a year through increased safety, less idling and engine wear.

Previously, Swans was averaging over 10 hours a day of idling – but since using GreenRoad’s idling feature, that figure has been slashed to less than five hours a day, resulting in a reduction in fuel consumption and CO2 emissions.

Kieran Swindells, Managing Director at Swans said he anticipates further savings with the launch of its driver incentive programme: “As 92% of our drivers are regularly achieving a green safety score, we estimate we will be spending £25,000 a year on incentives, whilst achieving a sizable return on our investment in GreenRoad. Most importantly, we are continuously increasing our safety and reducing emissions.”

Swans Travel’s commitment to reducing driver risk and improving fuel economy will contribute towards its goals of being carbon neutral by 2015 and achieving ISO9001.