Cambridgeshire County Council has backed plans for a £30m bypass for Ely, though the final go-ahead must be given by a secretary of state. The Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government, Eric Pickles MP, will make a decision on whether to call in plans for an A142 Ely Bypass. The National Planning Casework Unit has issued a ‘holding direction’ on his behalf. The direction does not prevent Cambridgeshire County Council from considering the application for the new road, forming a view as to its merits or refusing permission. After the planning committee met on Monday, September 8, it unanimously backed the proposal for the 1.7km (1.06 mile) bypass. It acknowledged campaigners’ concerns about the visual impact of the bypass on Ely Cathedral, but decided the proposals benefits outweighed this. However, planning permission cannot be granted until the secretary of state has ruled whether he wants to determine it himself. This was not unexpected as both supporters and opponents of the scheme have lobbied the Secretary of State. Depending on his decision, the application will either be determined by him or sent back to the County Council for a final decision.
Cambridgeshire County Council has backed plans for a £30m bypass for Ely, though the final go-ahead must be given by a secretary of state.