Transport for London (TfL) has confirmed it plans to increase the Penalty Charge Notice (PCN) for red route contraventions later in the year from £130 to £160 – subject to approval from the Secretary of State.
TfL has also confirmed plans to increase from £65 to £80 for the Congestion Charge PCN from this week (January 2). It said it is hoped both measures will help improve compliance.
Reacting to the news, Natalie Chapman, the Freight Transport Association’s (FTA) Head of Policy for London said: “The plan to increase the PCNs for red routes is ill-considered. In many cases, there is simply nowhere for drivers to stop legally. It could also be that the operating hours of loading bays and red lines do not meet the needs of businesses or residents receiving deliveries and need to be changed.
“FTA strongly opposes any attempt to increase red route penalties. We will be contacting the Transport Secretary, Chris Grayling MP, on behalf of FTA members to raise our very serious concerns.
“FTA appreciates the challenges facing TfL and the London boroughs as they work to reduce congestion and illegal parking and will do all we can to work in partnership with TfL and local authorities to improve compliance.”