Ticketer launches new driver check list function

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The checks can be tailored by each operator according to their own requirements

Ticketer has launched a brand-new facility within its Electronic Ticket Machines (ETM), which enables drivers to carry out vehicle checks and log them electronically. The new feature not only ensures that drivers carry out the checks in accordance with compliance regulations, but it gives operators real-time visibility of the status of their vehicles. The new Ticketer ETM driver check function eliminates paperwork, logs faults securely and enables any faults to be addressed in a timely fashion.

The new driver check function can be uploaded to current Ticketer machines already with operators. TICKETER

Using the Ticketer ETM means that faults can be uploaded to the Ticketer portal and viewed by the operator while the vehicle is still in service. Repairs can be scheduled appropriate to the urgency, reducing vehicle downtime.

Unresolved faults are retained within the ETM so that the driver is made aware of any pre-existing issues and the back office maintains a secure and fully searchable record of all reported faults.

The checks can be tailored by each operator according to their own requirements, and can even be tailored for each vehicle, ensuring all checks are relevant. Operators can set up each individual category, such as door and lights, and drivers are taken through the process using prompts on the screen.

Any faults noted can be graded for urgency, from immediate engineer attention required to logging an overnight repair. Drivers can also be given specific instructions for the repair to be completed, using the driver messaging service.

Operators can tailor the checks to their own specified timescale, such as the first run of the day or every six hours. To ensure compliance, the Ticketer ETM will not enable the driver to continue logging into the ETM until the checks have been completed.

The Ticketer ETMs can be integrated into the Freeway Fleet Management system to update it in real-time. Reading Buses is one of the first Ticketer customers to use the integrated system.