Tramway village on track

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Crich Tramway Village says it is determined to hold as full a series of events as possible this year, with a newly restored Newcastle tram among the attractions. Newcastle 102, which dates from 1901, was officially relaunched following extensive restoration by the Duke of Gloucester, who drove the tram on a visit to the Derbyshire-based attraction.

Now, with the easing of Covid-19 restrictions there should be plenty of opportunities to se the Newcastle 102 in action. “We are determined to hold as many events as we can this year and hope as many people as possible will come along and enjoy them,” said Tramway Village spokesperson Amanda Blair.

Some of the attractions include ‘Memories of the 1940s’ with entertaiment, re-enactments and even a visit from the museum’s own Winston Churchill lookalike. Saturday 10 June will see a 1920s celebration, then things get Jurassic with Dinosaur Day on 16 June. A model tram, trolleybus and railway exhibition is planned for 20-21 August and Tram Day on Saturday 17 September will see most of the museum’s operational fleet in action.

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