Five Mercedes-Benz Citaro articulated ‘bendy’ buses were introduced on the inter-campus shuttle service for the University of Hertfordshire, on April 15.
A spokesman for Uno told CBW its conventional services were bursting at the seams and these new high-capacity buses would help during busy periods. The buses, two from London, and three from Cornwall are all ex- FirstGroup.
Service changes are being supported by individual service leaflets including details of alternative local bus services which link Titan/MacLaurin with the College Lane Campus in accordance with undertakings given to the University.
An ‘inter-campus’ bus pass is available to enable university staff to travel free of charge between these points.
New leaflets are currently being produced for the London 712/714 service to promote day trip opportunities in the run up to the Diamond Jubilee and the Olympics. They include details of a London Plus day ticket which includes travel by local bus to connect with London services at Hatfield and St Albans.
In addition, some bus stops at the Forum bus interchange will change their numbers to allow the new articulated buses to run on the shuttle. The bus may now leave from a different stop outside the Forum.