Yellow Buses: Woman surprised with bus for her 90th birthday

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Elaine Hart, who relies on Yellow Buses for transport, was surprised with a double-decker birthday bus.

Elaine with her family and the birthday bus

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Elaine’s daughter, Fiona organised the bus which picked up dozens more guests at eight stops on its way to Elaine’s surprise party.

As Elaine waited outside her home in the Southbourne area, Bournemouth the bus arrived with ‘Elaine’s Birthday Bus – 90’ written on the front. The family and 120 guests arranged the whole event whilst keeping it a secret.

Fiona, who was there with her sister Jan, said: “We’re so grateful to Yellow Buses. When Dad died in 2004 Mum wanted to live somewhere on a bus route.

“Yellow Buses have been her lifeline and she goes everywhere on them. She meets up with her grandchildren and it is so handy.

“She was overwhelmed by the bus that took everyone to her surprise party at St Saviour’s Church Hall.

“She had no idea what we had planned and was amazed on the hour long journey when the bus kept stopping to pick up more family and friends.”

Jay Thornton, Sales Executive of Yellow Coaches, the private hire arm of Yellow Buses, said: “It was wonderful to be able to help one of our long-standing and loyal passengers celebrate her birthday.

“We’re so pleased that Elaine had a great party and that we were able to deliver a bus full of guests to it.”