Xplore Dundee celebrates status as Living Wage employer

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L-R: Joe Fitzpatrick MSP; Lynn Short, City Development Convenor; Lynn Cunningham from the Poverty Alliance; Elsie Turbyne, Managing Director of Xplore Dundee; and Operations Manager Andy Shaw with an Xplore Dundee bus displaying a ‘Living Wage Employer’ sticker

Xplore Dundee is celebrating its status as one of Dundee’s largest accredited private sector Living Wage employers during Living Wage Week 2017.

The operator gained its accreditation almost two years ago, when parent company National Express Group made the commitment to pay all its UK Bus workers the higher, voluntary rate of pay. This pledge meant it was the first private transport group in the UK to pay the Living Wage Foundation’s Living Wage.

Managing Director Elsie Turbyne said: “In making the decision to become an accredited Living Wage employer, we felt it was important to recognise everyone’s hard work appropriately and to signify our determination to be a good employer to all of our staff, as well as the wider community.

“We would encourage other employers in Dundee to join us in gaining Living Wage accreditation. Paying people a wage which allows them to spend comfortably, to save a little more, or enjoy a higher standard of living is the right thing to do.”

Dundee West MSP Joe Fitzpatrick joined Xplore Dundee managers, representatives of the Poverty Alliance and City Development Convenor Lynn Short at the Dock Street depot on November 10 to discuss the benefits of the Living Wage.

Joe FitzPatrick, MSP for Dundee City West and Scottish Government Minister for Parliamentary Business, said: “Through the Scottish Living Wage accreditation initiative, the Scottish Government is helping to ensure peoples’ basic pay meets the cost of living.

“Evidence shows that the Real Living Wage is not just positive for employees. It also makes sense for businesses here in Dundee, having been proven to increase productivity, reduce staff absence, and improve morale. It also sends a strong and valuable signal to customers about fairness.”

Peter Kelly, Director of the Poverty Alliance, said: “We are delighted that Xplore Dundee continues to be committed to paying the Living Wage, especially important in these times of rising costs. It’s important that the staff are properly paid and valued, and receive the real Living Wage.”