EC pledges €1.4bn support for fuel cells
EUROPE The European Commission (EC) and industry bodies are to invest more than €22bn over the next seven years in innovation for various industry sectors.
EUROPE The European Commission (EC) and industry bodies are to invest more than €22bn over the next seven years in innovation for various industry sectors.
AUSTRIA A Solaris Urbino 8.9 LE electric bus has entered service in the city of Klagenfurt. Municipallyowned Stadtwerke Klagenfurt purchased the vehicle as a part of a European Union project called Cemobil. Solaris electric bus […]
Electric buses to replace ageing fleet of specialist vehicles by July 2014 NETHERLANDS BYD is to supply a new fleet of 35 electric buses to transfer passengers between the terminals and aircraft at Amsterdam’s Schiphol […]
The seven awards covered were presented to staff at Arriva, CT Plus, Stagecoach, Metroline and Go-Ahead, with the TfL Olympic transport team also recognised Outstanding customer service and actions above and beyond the call of […]
The eighth European Bus and Coach Forum, organised by the International Road Transport Union (IRU), in co-operation with the International Social Tourism Organisation (ISTO), the European Tour Operators’ Association (ETOA) and the Belgian Federation of […]
As part of its 25th anniversary celebrations, Anderson Travel has treated its female employees to a makeover day at a top venue in Covent Garden.
The Sunsundegui body option is proving a popular selection for Volvo Bus coach customers in 2013.
The driver and two passengers were killed when the Merseypride-operated vehicle crashed following a tyre blowout last September Inquests into victims of the Hindhead coach crash have returned a verdict of accidental death, prompting scrutiny […]
Nottingham City Transport (NCT) has reported an 11th successive year of passenger growth. The announcement comes after the DfT revealed bus usage in England (outside London) fell by 2.5% in the year 2012/13.
The Daily Telegraph reported under-16s would be offered free bus travel under plans being drawn up by Nick Clegg to help families. Senior sources within the LibDems reportedly described the Deputy Prime Minister as being […]
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