EYMS delivery includes its ????irst MCV-bodied vehicles
East Yorkshire Motor Services (EYMS) has recently taken delivery of 14 new buses, moving closer to its target of having a fully low-floor bus fleet by the end of 2014.
East Yorkshire Motor Services (EYMS) has recently taken delivery of 14 new buses, moving closer to its target of having a fully low-floor bus fleet by the end of 2014.
First has announced details of a new, fully accredited driver training programme. The operator’s Better Journeys for Life Driver Training Programme has been awarded the highly prestigious City and Guilds accreditation, which the company claims […]
Delivery of the 109 new vehicles has started, forming part of a 380-strong fleet providing transport for the sporting event
FirstGroup says trading for the first quarter of the 2014/15 financial year is in line with management’s expectations and the firm’s ‘transformational programmes.’
Government admits concessionary fare cuts are wrong but budget still cut from previous levels
SINGAPORE After the award of 150 Volvo B9TL double-deckers in 2009, 300 in 2010, and a further 565 in 2012/2013, Volvo Buses has now secured an order for a further 415 from SBS Transit in […]
AUSTRALIA Brisbane City Council will spend millions of dollars on new upgraded buses under the AUD $2.9bn (£1.6bn) budget for 2014/15 released two weeks ago.
GERMANY A new ‘hop on, hop off’ open top bus tour has started running in Stuttgart – which will operate all year round
GERMANY Two years after its market launch, Setra has introduced additional variants to its ComfortClass 500 coach range
AUSTRALIA Adelaide’s O-Bahn bus rapid transit system is to benefit from a $160m upgrade over the next three years
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