Volvo showcases Coventry sales centre redevelopment
Volvo has put together a video showcasing the redevelopment work recently completed at its sales centre in Coventry.
Volvo has put together a video showcasing the redevelopment work recently completed at its sales centre in Coventry.
Volvo Bus UK & Ireland Commercial Sales Director, Phil Owen, has outlined the manufacturer’s multifaceted product strategy going forward to maintain and develop its business. Andy Izatt details what he had to say
Stagecoach West has seen major expansion in recent years. Managing Director Rupert Cox, who has risen through the ranks of the bus industry, talks to Richard Sharman about the operation
Claire Phillips, Sales Director at Alfatronix, outlines to John Lewis how the company is keeping pace with the latest technology, consistently refining and redeveloping its range
In the second part of his article re-creating an express coach journey from Manchester to Torquay in the ‘good old days’ of coach travel, Alan Payling covers the Bristol to Torquay section of the trip
Operators have been thanked for supporting this year’s Lincolnshire Road Transport Museum’s (LVVS) end of season Transport Festival, which will be on Sunday 4 November.
Scotland’s largest independent operator, McGill’s, has expanded its heritage fleet by restoring a 1977 Western SMT Alexander Y-type Leyland Leopard and acquiring another vehicle.
Nick Larkin highlights how finding drivers with the skills to handle heritage vehicles is becoming ever harder
Few operators have harnessed online marketing as effectively as Nova Bussing, but it’s not just the use of technology that makes this operator different, as Peter and James Davie outline to Andy Izatt
Faced with the most depressed bus and coach market for years, Volvo Bus has unveiled a much broadened, multifaceted product line-up to help maintain and grow its business
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