For the few, not the many?
Claire Walters, Chief Executive of Bus Users, shares her thoughts on new proposals in Cambridge to allow electric vehicles to use bus lanes Why do we have bus lanes – to make it easier for […]
Claire Walters, Chief Executive of Bus Users, shares her thoughts on new proposals in Cambridge to allow electric vehicles to use bus lanes Why do we have bus lanes – to make it easier for […]
Founded in 2018, Newcastle-based Group 10 has become another victim of the coronavirus pandemic. The operator said on its Facebook site: “It is with great sadness that Group 10 Coaches will close its doors on […]
342 vehicles belonging to bus operator First Hampshire, Dorset and Berkshire will be paying tribute to Captain Sir Tom Moore OBE who died on Tuesday 2 February after contracting coronavirus. The vehicles in the fleet […]
A spin-off and separate listing of Daimler Truck is planned, which will see a significant majority stake distributed to current Daimler shareholders and allow Daimler Truck to accelerate its path towards zero emissions. Daimler has […]
Go-Ahead has been recognised as the ‘most admired’ transport company in the UK in terms of community and environmental responsibility according to a report by Britain’s Most Admired Companies (BMAC), which studies corporate reputation as […]
Tracking specialist uTrack has backed a petition to prioritise the vaccination of transport workers. With the rollout of the Covid-19 vaccine, the firm said, most frontline key workers and priority groups are receiving the vaccine […]
The ban on using tyres aged 10 years and older on the front axles of lorries, buses and coaches in the UK, as well as all single wheels on minibuses, came into force on 1 […]
Leicester’s first zero-emission electric buses are on the way to the UK to help improve air quality in and around the city Leicester City Council’s order for 15 Yutong E12 electric buses is currently being […]
Across the country, more operators are working closely to provide improved access to vaccination centres. Oxford Bus Company and Stagecoach have amended services to provide crucial daily links to the new mass Covid-19 vaccination centre […]
As part of National Apprenticeship Week, which runs from 8-14 February, Stagecoach UK Managing Director Carla Stockton-Jones shares her thoughts on the importance of apprenticeships “Amongst the terrible human cost of the Covid-19 crisis, the […]
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