Limo licence revoked

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It is often forgotten that some limousines require a PSV operator’s licence. One such operator recently had its licence revoked following significant compliance failures

A public inquiry (PI) was held in Cambridge on 28 October 2022 to determine the fate of a limousine operator which had failed to comply with a number of licencing requirements. The operator, a Mr Ibrahim Mahmoud t/a The Lim.o, was called to PI regarding his restricted PSV licence, held since 3 November 2020 with an authorisation of 1 vehicle, and 1 disc issued. The application stated it was planned to use vehicle PF57 EHM, a Ford Expedition 12 passenger seat limousine, based at an operating centre at St James Road, Waltham Cross, and using maintenance provider Roy Carter with maintenance inspections (PMIs) on a 10 weekly basis.

The PI was heard by Deputy Traffic Commissioner (TC) for the Eastern Area Gillian Ekins, and a written decision issued on 8 November 2022. Mr Mahmoud was represented by Mr Brown of AMD Solicitors. In response to the Traffic Commissioner’s calling in letter issued on 23 September 2022, Mr Mahmoud had requested the case was adjourned because he had half term holiday plans with his children, and also stated the vehicle ‘had been stationary for a while.’ However he provided no evidence of the holiday booking, and the hearing remained as originally scheduled.

Subsequently, Mr Brown wrote to the TC stating: “The operator accepts that since the restricted PSV operator’s licence was granted, there have been material changes to the licence to the extent that with the advent of Covid-19, the operator was only able to work for a period of up to three months. The operator accepts that he is no longer established for the purposes of holding a PSV operator’s licence, and on that basis, he understands that the operator’s licence number PF2035902 must be revoked. Accordingly, we have been instructed to inform you that Mr Ibrahim Mahmoud will not attend the public inquiry and to invite the Traffic Commissioner to make a decision in his absence.”


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