VOSA announces Remote Enforcement Office

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The introduction of Remote Enforcement for more compliant operators was announced by VOSA at the first in the FTA 2013 Transport Manager conference series on Wednesday, September 11.

The Remote Enforcement Office (REO) will be tested by VOSA in an initial six month trial scheduled to start in October and to take place in the Western Traffic Area.

VOSA said it has introduced the REO in the belief that the process involved for the more compliant operator will be less burdensome and more effective for VOSA, who can target resource where it is needed more.

Remote Enforcement is intended to be a method to assist ineffective use of resources – at present a VOSA examiner will attend the operator’s premises where as with the REO – VOSA will request relevant information to be sent to its office where it will be reviewed with the necessary recommendations being made to the operator; or follow up action taken as appropriate.

During his presentation at the Transport Manager conference, VOSA’s Richard Denby outlined to delegates the organisation’s proposals.

Commenting after the conference, he said: “VOSA has been listening to feedback from the industry and the trade associations and is looking to change the way it delivers enforcement.

“We want compliance to equal good business value and to ensure a non compliant operator does not have a competitive edge over a compliant operator and cannot have a greater profit margin than a compliant operator.

“We want a level playing field so non compliant operators cannot unfairly bid for contracts above a compliant operator.”

The varied conference programme also includes an interview with Senior TC Beverley Bell addressing transport managers; a report on fuel efficiency – delivered by sponsors Volvo; and another sponsor of the event, Goodyear reporting on their recent Transport Manager survey.