Debatable changes

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Gordon Marsden MP (Labour, Blackpool South) argued that Blackpool Transport’s profit last year of £1.38m profit last year, £1m of which was returned as a dividend to the council, makes the case for extending rather than stifling municipals. A Blackpool Transport East Lancs-bodied Dennis Trident is seen in the shadow the resort’s famous tower on April 23, 2016. GARETH EVANS

Gareth Evans shares highlights of last week’s five-hour debate in the House of Commons on the Second Reading of the Bus Services Bill, discussing not only familiar arguments but also changes made to the legislation by the House of Lords

The Bus Services Bill (BSB) passed another ‘timing point’ on its journey through the corridors of power in Westminster on Wednesday (March 1), when it had its Second Reading in the Commons. Topics covered ranged from municipal operators to smartcards, concessionary fares for young people and franchising in Manchester. It was notable that Greater Manchester MPs appeared to be present en masse.

The BSB’s next ‘timing point’ is March 21 (see panel) – although in the meantime, there’s a ‘request stop’ with public consultation. […]

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