Vintage send off for Corporation Street

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Vintage send off for Corporation Street
the firm’s 1954-built daimler no.3225 next to its modern counterpart

National Express West Midlands (NXWM) marked the end of buses having access to Birmingham’s Corporation Street with a special vintage bus trip for staff with friends, family and representatives from Bus Users UK.

The firm’s 1954-built Daimler no.3225 (‘MOF225’) heritage bus, which carries the old Birmingham Corporation livery, was the last to roll down the once important city centre bus artery. As previously reported, the street is being pedestrianised to make way for the controversial new Midlands Metro tram extension project. The trip was complete with vintage tickets and a traditional ticket inspector.

To mark the closure of Corporation Street the NXWM also offered members of the public free vintage bus rides between 1500 and 1700 on Saturday for shoppers.

Peter Coates, Managing Director of NXWM said: “Corporation Street has been home to West Midlands buses since the early 1900s and has been the first sight of the city for the hundreds of millions of passengers who have alighted there. I am delighted that so many people joined us on the vintage bus and took advantage of the trips we ran throughout the day.”