Alpine Travel enjoys benefits of GreenRoad

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Llandudno-based Alpine Travel has benefitted from a drop in risky manoeuvres, fuel usage and accident levels since deploying GreenRoad, the driver performance company has reported.

Alpine Travel General Manager James Beattie said it was a desire to run a safer operation and reduce exposure to risk that prompted the operator to investigate what GreenRoad had to offer, adding: “We also wanted to cut fuel consumption and reduce the wear and tear on our vehicles.

“Although the savings are difficult to quantify precisely, as the number and type of miles we operate varies from year to year, we’ve certainly seen a reduction in accidents, and in own-fault accident damage in particular. Our fuel consumption has fallen too along with vehicle wear and tear.”

Beattie also explained that drivers were generally positive about the system after some initial scepticism.

“Our average weekly safety score is now below 10 compared with over 30 when we started. That represents a drop of more than 66% in risky manoeuvres. And 14 of our drivers have achieved GreenRoad Fleet Elite status for last year,” he continued.

“This equates to around 15% of our driving workforce – we employ some 90 drivers, most of whom work part-time – which must put us somewhere near the top of the Fleet Elite tree so far as UK bus and coach operators are concerned.

“We have a bonus scheme that allows drivers to earn up to £110 extra every month, and half of that potential bonus is related to their GreenRoad performance.

“Training is a priority for us and when we’re looking for new drivers what we often do is look for enthusiastic people with a non-driving work history who have the right approach to their job and then train them so that they can get behind the wheel.

“Introducing GreenRoad to our fleet has benefited us without a shadow of a doubt. We’re very glad we took the decision to do so.”