Bournemouth driver retires after 41-year career

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After a career spanning 41 years, Peter Warren, a driver for Yellow Buses has retired at the age of 65.

Warren’s career began with Bournemouth Corporation. Having spent two years as a conductor, 34 as a full-time driver and another five working part-time, he finished his last shift last Friday night.

Speaking about his lasting loyalty to Yellow Buses, Warren said: “We’re a dying breed now. It’s rare for people to stay with the same company. I don’t think about what might have been. I have no regrets about being in the same job.”

Warren said he believes the job of a bus driver “is not one for the easily stressed”and feels the general standard of driving has declined .

While he was driving around 150 miles a day at the end of his career, Warren had driven far enough to travel around the world 50 times.