BYD to test three buses in Mexican cities

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MEXICO The Chinese firm, BYD Company, is testing its 12-metre electric bus with some transport companies in Mexico, and soon will integrate its 8-metre model. BYD models are pure electric buses which offer 250km with a single charge.

Frank Deutsch, General Manager of BYD Mexico, said: “The 250km range guarantees that any of the routes existing in Mexico will not require recharging stops until they arrive to their final destination.”

The buses which are in Mexico or will come for trial are ground floor units ? the difference between these buses and the articulated ones is that these are not for BRT (Bus Rapid Transit), but to replace existing routes that already operate other schemes such as trolleybuses in Mexico City, without making big infrastructure changes.

Frank agreed that the main challenge in the incorporation of these models is the investment, “the initial capital requires an additional cost of around 80% in comparison to the cost of a bus with diesel engine, but the analysis must evaluate the vehicle life.”

Based on this, Frank said that one of the advantages of electric buses is the low maintenance, so with a unit that has a lifespan of 12 years, the total investment is amortized over the first eight years and from the ninth the total income will be for the company or the carrier.