Iveco Bus continues delivery of 160 buses to De Lijn

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BELGIUM Close to 50 Iveco Bus vehicles have been delivered to the Belgian Flemish transport operator De Lijn since the brand won a record tender in 2013. De Lijn has a running fleet of more than 2,300 buses, transporting an estimated 500m passengers each year across more than 225m kilometres.

The terms of the tender define the total supply of 160 Crossway Low Entry intercity buses for circulation throughout the interurban network of Flanders. Completed buses have been shipped to De Lijn depots in the Antwerp area. The remaining vehicles of the order are expected to be provided by the end of 2014.

Tom Verbaeten, Managing Director, CNH Industrial Belgium said: “CNH Industrial is delighted that Iveco Bus has been chosen by De Lijn for this important commission. Our historic commitment to this market combined with our investment in high quality and state-of-the art products and services has enabled us to come out as winners in this verdict. We thank De Lijn for their recognition of these traits by selecting the Crossway LE as the best choice on the market.”

The Crossway LE that has been customised according to De Lijn’s specifications has 37 seats, 62 standing positions, an UFR space with ramp for passengers with limited mobility and special security fixtures for both passengers and drivers (including an on-board camera monitoring system). The 160 units are being manufactured at the Iveco Bus facility in Vysoke Mýto, Czech Republic. These units are then sent to one of two Iveco Bus Belgian dealers (Gregoor Trucks in Herentals and Belgian Bus Repair in Tildonk), where they are prepared by specialised personnel for delivery and thorough inspection by De Lijn.