German market share rises from 48.9% to 51.2%, boosted by availability of Euro 6 range.
EUROPE: Daimler Buses has released its financial results for 2013. The company recorded operating profit of €124m after posting an operating loss of €221m in 2012. Sales rose by 5% to 33,700 units (2012: 32,100), and revenues increased by 4% to €4.1bn (2012: €3.9bn).
Daimler Buses said it is aiming to significantly increase sales and record a slight increase in earnings in 2014.
“Our efforts have paid off,” said Hartmut Schick, Head of Daimler Buses. “We achieved the turnaround, which proves what the entire team at Daimler Buses is capable of. We want to continue this successful development in 2014 by achieving further growth.”
An increase in market share was achieved in Europe through the full availability of Mercedes-Benz and Setra buses compliant with Euro 6 emission standards, which came into effect at the beginning of 2014. At 30.8% (2012: 28.3%), market share in Western Europe was the highest ever achieved by Daimler Buses.
High demand for Mercedes-Benz buses, in particular for the new Citaro, had a positive effect on sales in Germany, which increased by 20% to 2,400 units. Half of all buses sold in Germany last year were built by Daimler, whose market share in the country rose from 48.9% to 51.2%.
Sales in Turkey increased to 1,200 units (2012: 1,100). The market in Latin America (excluding Mexico) recovered significantly following the introduction of Euro 5 emissions standard in 2012. Sales of Mercedes-Benz chassis in the region rose by 7% to 19,100 units. With a market share of 41.6% (2012: 42.7%), Daimler Buses maintained a leading market position in Latin America, although demand in Brazil was below expectations due to uncertainty in the market caused by the political situation in the country.