Driver buys 50 school children breakfast

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When a winter snow storm in Motevallo, Alabama caused a two-hour school bus delay, bus driver Wayne Price bought the 50 school children on his bus breakfast from McDonald’s. [wlm_nonmember][…]

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Knowing that 75% of children in the area are part of the National School Lunch Programme, and would go without breakfast because of the storm, Wayne bought the children from Montevallo Elementary School 50 biscuits from McDonald’s.

Wayne, who has been driving the school bus for five years, was a contractor at a youth ministry prior to his current job.

Speaking with local TV station WBMA-LD, Wayne said: “We get caught up in materialistic things – even buying biscuits to a certain element is a little materialistic – but Christmas is giving. Christmas is showing love.”
Montevallo Elementary school even headed over to social media to thank Wayne for his kindness.

The school said in a Facebook post: “What a kind act that our students will forever remember! Thank you, Mr Price, for making a lasting impact in the lives of our students.”

Wayne Price has been driving the school bus for five years. FACEBOOK