Chinese AI confuses bus ad for jaywalker

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AI systems in China recently mistook an advert on a bus for a jaywalker.

Dong Mingzhu, the head of China’s biggest air-conditioner maker, Gree Electric, was advertising her company on the side of a bus when an AI-based spotting system flagged her up as a jaywalker. [wlm_nonmember][…]

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Dong’s face was subsequently displayed on a billboard which serves to make an example of those who disobey traffic laws.

Police in Ningbo admitted their mistake and deleted the picture.

These AI systems and billboard displays have been brought in by traffic police in many Chinese cities to highlight the legal repercussions of traffic violations.

Local police reported that they would be conducting a review of the AI system in order to prevent the same kind of mistakes happening and ensure that the spotting system could in fact differentiate between faces in adverts and actual people.

Images of the billboard circulated on Chinese blogging site Weibo. WEIBO