New Stagecoach Gold service launches in Devon
A new Stagecoach Gold service has been launched between Exeter and Exmouth.
A new Stagecoach Gold service has been launched between Exeter and Exmouth.
Fleet of 17 Plaxton Elitei coaches in stylish branding to upgrade Buchan Link services Stagecoach North Scotland has unveiled a fleet of 17 new coaches which are to operate between Aberdeen and the north east […]
Stagecoach in the Highlands has been fined and had its fleet capped after two serious safety incidents, The Press and Journal has reported.
Transport union RMT has called a 24-hour strike over pay and conditions on Stagecoach buses in Norfolk.
Stagecoach Merseyside and South Lancashire has rolled the first ‘next-generation’ brand of luxury buses, Stagecoach gold, across Merseyside and Lancashire following a £7.5m investment.
Stagecoach Manchester held a ‘Farewell to the B10M’ event on Saturday (November 14) – when the last two Volvo B10M buses in frontline service were formally withdrawn.
[pointellerecent set=”1″]Plans to introduce a Quality Contract Scheme (QCS) in Tyne and Wear, which would have seen bus companies having to bid for contracts to provide routes have been rejected by the independent Quality Contracts […]
Stagecoach Manchester has unveiled 29 new Euro 6 ADL Enviro400s, which the firm said represents an investment of £5m.
Stagecoach announced that it has invested nearly £3.2m in 24 brand new buses for passengers in Cheltenham.
Stagecoach Group is one of the top 20 most admired businesses in the UK, according to an authoritative annual survey of corporate reputation.
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