Stagecoach launches new inspection training in partnership with FTA
Stagecoach has joined forces with the Freight Transport Association (FTA) to develop a bespoke training course designed to further improve safety standards and vehicle reliability.
Stagecoach has joined forces with the Freight Transport Association (FTA) to develop a bespoke training course designed to further improve safety standards and vehicle reliability.
Eight operators from across the country gathered at MAN Truck & Bus UK in Manchester recently to take up the two-day maintenance course offered by the manufacturer to customers who purchase Neoplan Tourliner coaches.
Lucketts Travel Group is to introduce advanced training across the group – and not just to its coach drivers.
First has announced details of a new, fully accredited driver training programme. The operator’s Better Journeys for Life Driver Training Programme has been awarded the highly prestigious City and Guilds accreditation, which the company claims […]
First Bus is providing its drivers with specific training designed to help people who are blind or partially sighted to confidently use the bus.
Up to 74% of businesses working across the ‘visitor economy’ (hospitality, tourism, travel and passenger transport industries) believe there would be a notable impact on employee retention rates if training budgets were increased, according to […]
Welsh Deputy Minister for Skills and Technology Jeff Cuthbert has visited the head office of South Wales-based Edwards Coaches to learn more about the accredited workforce development programme, currently being delivered to more than 400 […]
CPT will start delivering Driver CPC courses for its members, starting later this month. Initially courses will be held in London and Essex. The first course, Customer Care–Equality, will be held in Chelmsford on February […]
More large firms should share their resources & expertise with smaller and medium ones The CBI last week warned against government plans for wholesale extension of training levies or license to practice schemes which […]
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