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Bus News

London bus vandal convicted

Transport for London (TfL) and the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) Roads and Transport Policing Command have successfully caught and prosecuted a bus vandal in Barnet.

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Coach News

London to marshall its coach bays

TfL announces the trial of mixed use bays and a pilot marshalling scheme for tourist coaches in London Transport for London (TfL) has announced that it has begun two trials designed to support coach drivers […]

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Bus News

RTs run again in London

In celebration of London’s Year of the Bus, Transport for London (TfL) and the London Bus Museum, operated around 20 RT-type buses on route 11 (Fulham – Liverpool Street Station) on Sunday November 2. The […]

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Bus News

Cyclists object to TfL warning signs

Concerns are raised about diminishing driver responsibility, not properly educating cyclists of the dangers of turning large vehicles and cyclists being treated as secondclass road users. The Cyclists Touring Club (CTC) has joined the London […]