New express bus tender to Cardiff Centre & Airport
An express bus service running every 20 minutes almost round the clock between Cardiff city centre and Cardiff Airport is due to launch next month.
An express bus service running every 20 minutes almost round the clock between Cardiff city centre and Cardiff Airport is due to launch next month.
First Bus is providing its drivers with specific training designed to help people who are blind or partially sighted to confidently use the bus.
A new, independent body is being established in Scotland which aims to drive up standards in bus travel and put the needs of bus passengers at the heart of transport policy.
TC Nick Denton said he did not think any further action was necessary despite two S marked prohibitions Brighton and Hove Bus Company has been issued with a formal warning by Traffic Commissioner for London […]
Up to 74% of businesses working across the ‘visitor economy’ (hospitality, tourism, travel and passenger transport industries) believe there would be a notable impact on employee retention rates if training budgets were increased, according to […]
National Express Group has released updates on trading for the First Half Year ended June 30, 2013, ahead of its Half Year results which are due to be released on July 24, 2013.
Optare has received a conditional offer of funds from the fourth round of the government’s Regional Growth Fund (RGF) which could be worth up to £1.5m.
The Trainsaid team, including members from TAS, Barclays Corporate and Ipswich Buses, almost doubles the target which had been set for Peter’s planned expedition to the North Pole A group of 30 friends, family and […]
GERMANY BYD’s full-size pure electric ebus has been tested in Bonn, Germany, by operator Stadtwerke Bonn (SWB).
RUSSIA Moscow-based public transport authority Mosgortrans has specified ZF driveline and chassis technology for its new 565 vehicle intake. It includes transmission systems, axles and steering technology.
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