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Coach News

UK Coach Awards 2014 underway

Nominations are being accepted until December 6 for a set of categories which have been revised and refreshed The sixth annual competition for the UK Coach Awards (UKCA) officially gets under way this week with […]

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Bus News

Cardiff Bus signs Synectics

Synectics has signed new agreements with Cardiff Bus to supply CCTV for 30 vehicles on order and to continue to service and maintain surveillance systems across the existing 220-stong fleet as part of a 12-month […]

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Bus News

Consultation prompts service amendments

Bus operators, Sheffield City Council and SYPTE have carried out a promised consultation on plans to reroute some bus services in the city, an engagement with the public negotiated through the Sheffield Bus Partnership (SBP).

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Bus News

Scotland overhauls its BSOG payments

Payments to be made every four weeks, instead of quarterly Changes to the way the Bus Services Operators Grant (BSOG) is issued in Scotland will come into effect at the start of next month.