Anderson Travel supports sight loss charity
London-based coach firm Anderson Travel has supplied some of its drivers to operate a mobile Sight Loss Information Service, run by national charity Action for Blind People.
London-based coach firm Anderson Travel has supplied some of its drivers to operate a mobile Sight Loss Information Service, run by national charity Action for Blind People.
Epsom Coaches driver Trevor Duff was recently presented with a commemorative plaque by Barry Le Jeune, Chairman of ‘The London Transport Museum Friends’ on completing their recent Trams and Canals tour in Yorkshire. This was […]
Administrative Court rules there was nothing disproportionate about the fines imposed on Buzzlines and its director, ordering a further £12.5k to be paid to cover VOSA costs A decision by Margate Magistrates on May 30, […]
The UK Bus Awards contest for 2013 is now under way and nominations are said to be coming in on a daily basis, with entries for the 21 categories closing on June 7.
First has reintroduced its £1 ‘3 Stop Hop’ ticket in Bristol following widespread public requests during the week of fare consultation events in Bristol last month.
FirstGroup is providing London’s Air Ambulance with £100k worth of support over four years.
Oxford Bus Company’s 17-strong fleet of Park and Ride buses has been fitted with an AllSee Technologies Audio-Visual system.
NCT axes its remaining ethanolfuelled Scanias, introduced under Ecolink project in 2008 with £520,000 of funding Buses currently running on ethanol fuel are to cease operation in the UK.
FirstGroup is re-structuring its operations in the South West of England and Wales with an emphasis on a more localised management team.
Dawsonrentals has secured a ‘strategic partnership agreement’ with Optare, which includes a 50- bus order.
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