£2m Scottish Green Bus announced

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The Scottish Government is making around £2m available this financial year for round four of its Green Bus Fund, which should help fund the procurement of a further 20-25 ‘green’ vehicles.

Over the past three years the fund has allowed operators to purchase 94 low carbon buses, which deliver 30% reductions in greenhouse gas emissions compared with typical Euro3 diesel buses, along with significant fuel savings. Apart from one electric vehicle all have been hybrids.

Up to 80% of the difference between the cost of a low carbon vehicle and its diesel equivalent is being met by the fund.

Transport Minister Keith Brown said: “The Scottish Government is committed to public transport and to reducing carbon emissions by 42% by 2020.

“In accord with this commitment, around £8 million has been awarded to bus operators for the purchase of low carbon buses since the scheme was launched in 2010.

“The Scottish Green Bus Fund is helping our bus industry invest in the latest emission reducing technology.”